TikTok Advertising:
Just a buzz or a real opportunity?

Digital media trends | Insightful blog | Time 3 min
TikTok: Paradise of User Generated Content

For the ones that have lived in a cave for the past months, quick recap:

TikTok is THE must-have for kids, teenagers and young adults. In only a few years, the app reached the title of the 7th most followed social platform in the world.

The concept is simple: short videos from 15 to 60 seconds. Any topic is possible, food, dance, music whatever if it’s fun and entertaining.

As digital marketing agency, we had to try it out: discover here our very first Pivott TikTok video!

Why should your social media strategy include TikTok?

Let’s not waste time here, the answer is YES! You should do TikTok advertising. Let us explain why.

TikTok claims on it’s website that: “Trends start here. Culture starts here.” And it’s true, at the agency we can’t go one day without sharing funny TikTok videos that we saw or trying to re-do a trend seen on the app. This new social media is now fully integrated in our actual pop culture. One of the statements of the app is: “To be relevant to your audience and to be part of trends that matter you need to be on TikTok.” And we have to agree with that also. Some huge challenges or trends launched on TikTok are worldwide famous, the Trump trolling in Oklahoma, to name but one, is a perfect example.

Secondly, the app itself is an asset for your business viewability. Indeed, in comparison with other social media, TikTok, thanks to its immersive full screen experience, limits the number of ads your target group is likely to see. Why is it an advantage for your social media marketing strategy? Your prospects will not get lost between all the different ads and brands. So, they will be more likely to remember your ad and your brand than on another social platform.

Last but not least: it’s cheap. We’ve already launched two TikTok ad campaigns and we were amazed with the results. For each one, we reached our target group with relevant content with which they could engage and we could meet our KPI’s without spending our foreseen budget.

Curious about those amazing results check here our case about the ALDI campaign!

How to create a TikTok ad?

First of all, you need a TikTok ads account, that’s the equivalent of the Business Manager for Facebook. It’s where the magic of planification, monitoring & reporting happens!

First things first: who do you want to reach?

TikTok registers 2.7 million monthly active users in Belgium. Those TikTok lovers spend in average 65 minutes looking at videos and open the app 13 times per day. The major part of the Belgian audience is between 13 & 24 years old but we can see that the 25-34 part is growing each day. This makes TikTok the perfect ad placement for a marketing strategy targeting a connected young audience.

The targeting possibilities for the moment are still quite classic. You can target demographics, locations and interests.

What are the TikTok ad formats?

The famous TikTok ad formats like the Brand Takeover, the Branded Hashtag Challenge or the Branded Effect are not available in Belgium yet. (Keep your eyes wide open, they could appear anytime soon!) As you’ve seen in our examples, we can already do great things with the In-Feed Ads!

From there, you can create everything you imagine, sky’s the limit! Be creative, be fun, make great TikTok videos!

The influencer marketing is booming

Your BFFs (best friends forever) on TikTok are the influencers! Most of them know the platform, they have videos with 1,2 or 3 million views and are close to their community. They are able to create awareness around your brand and convince their audience to share user generated content on the platform. An hashtag challenge with a clear call to action & a little influencers’ push can go viral very quickly, don’t underestimate them.

When is your next TikTok ad campaign?

In a nutshell, you’ve discovered the reasons to do advertising on TikTok.

Little disclaimer: of course, we advise to do TikTok ads for the right target audience and with the right content. Don’t try to reach 60+ only, that won’t work.

If you have any questions or opportunities to do TikTok advertising, contact us! We’re eager to develop your digital strategy on this trending app and we are one of the few agencies in Belgium to have our own TikTok Business Manager. See you soon!

TikTok For Business

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“Our campaigns and the way the film studios work demand a high degree of flexibility and creative input from our agencies.

As a result, Pivott has been helping us make a difference with every film release for years.”


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