
The COVID-19 outbreak could cause problems for your business. By starting up a webshop you can still guarantee an income. Not only is it good to bridge this time, it may also come in handy later on. Prepare your company to be future proof. Starting up a webshop can be done very quickly and is not difficult, we will explain you how to get started.


With Shopify you can build a fully functional online store that you can use to sell digital or physical goods. To help you during the COVID-19 outbreak, they extended their free trial from 14 days to 90 days. So you can bridge the confinement time for free, but your webshop will only be accessible with a password. If you want a public webshop, it will cost you 29.95€ per month. You can use free layouts, but for some lay-outs and functions, you have to pay extra. However, they made an effort and they offer the gift card function for free during Corona times. In that way you can give your customers a gift card when they shopped online.

Prepare yourself
Create your webshop
Start Selling

In order to build your webshop quickly, you will of course need to foresee a few things. Below is the checklist of things you definitely need:

– Pictures of your products: Make sure the pictures are clear and taken from different angles. If it is important to know, you can also indicate the size of the product in the picture.

– General pictures & copy: Your site will not only consist of pictures of the products that you sell. Make sure you have some larger and generic photos that reflect what you’re selling. You also better prepare some copy for your website. If you want to have a clear view on your webshops homepage and what sections you could add, here’s a nice overview.

– Productlist: Pivott created for free a nice Google sheet that you can copy and complete in function of your own products. On top of every column you can find a note with the info you need to fill in your file. Make sure all the green columns are filled in. After filling in all cells, you can download it as .csv file and upload it into your Shopify shop.

– Payment method: Consider what payment methods you would like to add for the checkout. We recommend creating an account with Mollie. Mollie is one of the easiest online payment gateways that is already integrated in Shopify. Setting up an account takes around 30min. You can activate payment methods and will receive API keys to integrate with your Shopify webshop. Don’t forget to check pricing for every transaction made with Mollie.

– Delivery/shipping: Something you need to consider on how you are planning to arrange shipment or home delivery. Lucky for you we have a partner within the Pivott ecosystem that could support you with that.

– Company info: Of course you also need to add your company info like address, name, TAX, bank account, …

– Domain name: OPTIONAL: buy a domain name. This is your own place and address on the internet. It is always a unique domain so that you can easily be found on search engines like Google and Bing. You can buy a domain from Shopify and it will be added to your store automatically. This saves you time, especially if you have no knowledge about hosting a website. These domains cost around 15€/year. Your second option is to purchase a domain from a third party like, combell, …


Exactly 17 minutes and 23 seconds to setup

With some good preparation in mind, we’ve managed to set up a webshop in exactly 17 minutes and 23 seconds. We don’t even know if it’s a world record, but who cares. What we really want to achieve is to support the market in this crisis situation and make every company understand that with some fast and good support, it’s a matter of minutes to start selling online. Pivott, a full service digital agency and its client BECI, the Brussels Chamber of Commerce and Industry, are currently working closely together to support and inform companies in offering solutions that they could need in order to make the best out of this situation. Together we’ve searched for a company in need for a webshop, which we supported for FREE. No blabla, but direct actions.

Let’s go through some simple steps to create your own webshop:

Sign up with Shopify
Setup your webshop by filling in some basic information
Upload your .csv file with your products and check if all your products have the correct info
Choose a webshop template
Setup your homepage by changing sections, adding pictures, logos, copy, …
Create collections within your products
Setup payment gateways and link with your Mollie account
Add some general details to your settings like taxes, shipping, shop location, billings, …
And last but not least, test your webshop before you go live

Creativity is
having fun.

Albert Einstein

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