How to do
product innovation
in a digital era?

Time 3 min
Bye bye consumer needs, hello consumer frustrations!

What are customer needs? A customer need is a motive of a product, brand or service that prompts a customer to buy. Ultimately, the need is the driver of the customer’s purchase decision. Companies often look at the customer need as an opportunity to resolve or contribute surplus value back to the original motive in order to increase purchase behaviour.

Maybe some of you are still using some old fashion research methods to gather information on your consumers needs. In this case, we would send out a survey, set up a one-time assessment or market research with a focus group of people to gather specific consumer needs to feed your product innovation department.

But as from how many people would you dare to take conclusions? What if we could offer you a new solution…

What brands try to address are to satisfy consumer frustrations also called needs when they can be identified, but first you need to be able to identify them. Luckily at Pivott we know how to optimally screen consumer frustrations without the financial means to conduct quantitative market research. That’s why we’ve created a whole new way to scrape consumer needs from the internet. But actually, we aren’t scrapping needs, we scrape frustrations, consumer frustrations collected from the world wide web full of product reviews.

Review marketing and data science…

Thanks to the internet, today we have access to numerous sources where people willingly share their experience with different companies, services and e-commerce platforms where we are all gathering product reviews. Reviews quoted with stars or people hopefully writing some nice things about your brand or product. And if they don’t, we can turn negative comments into opportunities. At Pivott we can scrape tons of customer feedback (positive or negative) of your website or your competitors and derive some actionable-insights to deliver a great customer experience?

Step 1: Scraping reviews

Using a web scraping api, Pivott developed a software to scrape useful information from any website. Even if you are just a supplier or manufacturer without an owned e-commerce platform or review strategy, we can scrape data from platforms like Amazon,, … or any other dropshipping model.

In just a few minutes we can provide you via social listening with any scrapped reviews from any website. But then you would just have a huge amount of bulk reviews in your mailbox. No valuable insights yet, right?

Step 2: Customer review analysis

After scraping all the data we use artificial intelligence to classify reviews, define tags and train our engine to understand the thematics of specific keywords.
What can we analyse?

  • Customer review classification:
    Classifications can be used to identify specific clusters of keywords that are being used a lot in customer reviews. It helps you understand what people like and dislike about your product.
  • Product quality and sentiment analysis:
    Sentiment analysis can be performed over the reviews scraped from products on a website like Amazon. Such a study helps in identifying the user’s emotion towards a particular product. This can help sellers or even other prospective buyers in understanding the public sentiment related to the product.
  • Online reputation management:
    It is difficult for large-scale companies to monitor their reputation of products. Web scraping can help in extracting relevant review data which can act as input to different analysis tools to measure user’s sentiment towards the organisation.
Step 3: Prioritisation & extrapolation

Ok, we have all the data classified now, but what’s next? If you would then like to know where to prioritise, we will analyse the number of keywords clustered into a specific category in order to understand how many people are actually complaining about that topic. If we then make an extrapolation from it, we can understand the exact value of a frustration that can be solved by your product innovation department and understand its potential market value impact and increase of sales.

Specific case

An innovative healthcare company based in Belgium asked us to identify consumer frustrations from their own and their competitors products sold all over the world and classify these frustrations and provide them with actionable insights per country and per product to develop new product features or innovations.

That’s how we’ve learned that insect repellents and sensitive skins are not really a perfect match and that a fragrance integration could be an interesting new feature, because people hate the smell of it.

We also learned that qualitative combs are a thing in fighting lices and that kill related washing capsules could be a new product innovation.

And all these wonderful insights simply by just scraping reviews from Amazon.

Are you also interested in scraping some customer frustrations? Don’t hesitate to contact us.

People don’t buy
what you do,
they buy why
you do it.

Simon Sinek

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