Dynamic Digital
Out Of Home,
a new way of DOOH

DOOH | Time 3 min
What is dynamic digital out of home (DDOOH)?

Maybe you already heard of dynamic creative optimization or DCO. Dynamic creative optimisation (DCO) is a display ad technology that creates personalised ads based on data about the viewer at the moment of ad serving. Because the creative is both more relevant and also tested and optimised, dynamic ads typically outperform their static counterparts.

This technology is now available to serve your digital out of home advertising in a more relevant way. Within Pivott we’ve developed a software called Switch that allows us to use both public data signals like traffic, events, scores, weather, POI, POS,… but also your own data!

My own data in DOOH?

Yes, within Switch by Pivott, we can for example integrate your e-commerce data to make sure that your customers will not be frustrated when shopping for this nice LaRedoute sofa from our DOOH that suddenly seems to be out of stock.

We make sure your stock availability is integrated in the digital out of home campaign and create stock alerts when we automatically can change to a product that is still available on your webshop. On top, we integrate dynamic QR-codes on the display to guarantee a frictionless shopping experience for your customer.
Switch also allows you to integrate your physical stores into your digital out home campaigns, where we map out the closest shop to the digital screens and integrate direction and distance and serve the message only to your closest store as a trigger to drive traffic. With an integrated QR-code you can guide your consumer directly to the desired store.

And last but not least, Switch can integrate your anonymous filtered customer data into audience segments to create more relevant messages for your clustered audiences. We know it’s maybe hard to understand, but let us give you an example.
Imagine you are a telco company and you’ve identified that based on your customer data a specific area in Brussels is in general more likely to convert into mobile packages instead of all-in offers, than it would be more relevant to push a mobile offer in that area that seems to be more price sensitive.

These are just a few examples of what Switch can do, but we believe that we could tailor our solutions based on your specific need. So don’t hesitate in contacting us if you are interested in giving us a nice challenge.

Where can Switch serve dynamic digital out of home marketing (DOOH) campaigns?

In theory we can serve the full digital signage network. Based on your request we will check together with your media-agency or the specific signage partners where, when and how it would be best to serve your specific campaign. Switch also offers you the possibility to buy DOOH in a programmatic way. A hassle free solution to buy digital OOH.

Programmatic DOOH as the new digital out of home trend.

The key to understanding programmatic media buying in digital out of home is this: programmatic digital transactions allow you to set specific conditions, based on external data, that will trigger the purchase of a DOOH ad slot in real time.

The fun thing is that there are virtually no limits to the kinds of data that can be used to trigger content. There are really simple options, like just having different creative deliveries based on the time of day. There are also slightly more advanced options, like the weather, daily market performance, or the ongoing results of a sporting event. You can even use live audience information to trigger content ideal for the majority of people at a location at any given time.

And, of course, you can use multiple triggers based on multiple data sources to get really granular with your targeting. This all leads to great things. Using one or more data triggers to drive a programmatic DOOH campaign can open the door to all kinds of really creative and memorable campaigns. Better still, it helps ensure your ads get seen by your audience at the most relevant times.
More and more DSPs are getting on board with programmatic digital out of home media. It’s making it much simpler to add DOOH to multichannel campaigns, and we’re already seeing buyers make use of this opportunity to great effect.

Some digital out of home billboard mockups to inspire you.

Let’s inspire you with some digital out of home examples and how your digital out of home ads could look like in the nearby future.
Here are some digital out of home advertising

Want to know more about our Pivott services? Feel free to contact us. info@pivott.be

Or do you want to read some of our digital out of home case studies? You can check them out here.

What our clients say

“Our campaigns and the way the film studios work demand a high degree of flexibility and creative input from our agencies.

As a result, Pivott has been helping us make a difference with every film release for years.”


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