Highlight your goods
on Facebook with
product tags!

Product Tags | Time 2 min
What are product tags?

Product tags are an important feature that enables Facebook Business Pages to highlight products from a catalog in their photos and videos. Once your Facebook Product Catalog is set up, you can tag up to 30 products in any post. However, to help customers focus on your most relevant products, Facebook recommends that you tag less than 5 products per image.

When users click on a tagged product, they are taken to its detail page without leaving the social media, where they can check it out and buy it immediately. That detail page showcases all relevant information about your item, including pricing, description and media.

Why tag your products in Facebook posts?

First of all, this feature is completely free to use and helps you to promote your products within your Facebook posts without spending any money!

Secondly, one of the biggest issues for store owners with a Facebook page is trying to bring Facebook users away from the Facebook ecosystem and over to their websites. Facebook users do not primarily use the platform for shopping, so they’re not necessarily in a ‘buying mood’ when they’re browsing.

However, tagging products in posts is rather subtle as it does not detract from the post content and provides a very convenient way for someone who might be interested in a purchase, to find out more if they are so inclined.

So if you’re looking to create a nice ‘bridge’ between your Facebook page and your eCommerce store, then tagging products is the way to go!

How to tag products in your posts?

To establish a purchasable Facebook presence, highlight your products in your organic posts. To do so:

  • Upload a video or a photo,
  • Click the Tag Products icon,
  • Click the product you want to tag from your Facebook Page shop or catalog and type in the product’s name.
  • Click Publish, and you’re done!

Now, when people see your products tagged in your posts, they can select those tags to start shopping.

Go further with a Facebook Shop!

If you are looking for a new way to promote your products, which every marketer should always be doing, consider adding a Facebook store to your page. Adding a shop section to your Facebook page can be a great way to display your product, stimulate a conversation with a message button with great potential customers, and sell to people on Facebook. Customers can discover, buy and share products without ever having to leave the social media platform they’re scrolling on. So in a nutshell, this feature helps you share a store where customers can complete their purchase quickly and easily.
There are two ways to add and manage the products in your shop:

  • In your catalog, which is connected to your Page shop and holds your products
  • In the Facebook Store tab on your Page

With Shop Builder, you can also create collections to help customers browse your inventory and merchandise your products. And, if wanted, you can change the appearance of your shop to fit your

Inspire people to take action with product tagging!

In short, product tagging on Facebook is a free way to place your goods in front of more shoppers. By highlighting your products, you create a more visible link to your product on your Facebook page, as well as a better customer experience.

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having fun.

Albert Einstein

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