your interior
says about you

Creative and content marketing | Digital Production | Social Media Marketing

Casa’s focal point as a brand is to claim the ‘home sweet home’ feeling. This feeling differs greatly from individual to individual and translates into a myriad of different styles. Styles that you will all find at Casa! This was the key message of the digital campaign we set up for Casa in Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, and Luxemburg. The first phase consisted of creating awareness around the campaign with video ads and video carousel ads through a Reach & Frequency campaign on Facebook. A shortened version of the ad was posted on Instagram. During that time, our video crew shot introductory videos of the campaign characters and created time-lapse movies of their interiors. Those movies were hosted right away on the website of Casa.

11 Million+
Step by step

The campaign was built up with sequenced storytelling. With retargeting, we showed the new posts to the people who saw the first ads. Through links, we directed them towards the website where they could discover the entire assortment of Casa products. More specifically, we used the product tagging feature on Facebook and created Pinterest boards with the products from the ads so that as many people as possible would come across the new website. Customers who wanted to learn more about themselves and their personal tastes could participate in a fun personality test on Facebook. By answering a short series of questions, a certain type of profile was attributed, including links to relevant products. A little over 10,400 people took the quiz. The click-through rate was an impressive 1,79%.

What’s in it for me?

In the last phase of the campaign, we focused on getting actual conversions, whether in stores or through the e-shop. For example, people that took the personality test received a voucher in their mailbox as a thank you for participating. We concluded the campaign with a link post on Facebook offering a voucher that targeted everyone that came across the campaign at one point or another. In total, 17.581 people clicked on the link to download this voucher! All in all, this successful campaign reached more than 11 million people (!).

People don’t buy
what you do,
they buy why
you do it.

Simon Sinek

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