digital campaign

Digital Production | Social Media Marketing
As easy as 1, 2, 3!

Pick a gif, personalize it with your friend’s name and send it. That’s how simple it is! With 30 different gifs to choose from, there was plenty of choice for people to find a suitable gif depending on whom they wanted to send their wishes to. Once personalized with a name, you could send your gif by email, or share it on social media channels such as Facebook, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and Twitter.

Wish it the gif way!

Promoted through direct emailing as well as social media, the digital end-of-year campaign took off in the week before Christmas and reached its climax on December 21st and 22nd. The preferred sharing platform was email, followed by Facebook, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Twitter.

Supporting a good cause

In the spirit of “Sharing is caring”, Proximus decided to donate €0,50 to organizations Bednet and Viva For Life for each gif sent. And with more than 60 000 gifs sent in a one-month period, Proximus could donate €20 000 to each of them. Proximus… Always close!

Content marketing is like
a first date. If you only talk
about yourself, there won’t be
a second one.

David Beebe

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