Generating social

Digital Production | Social Media Marketing
Stand out from the crowd

During the weeks preceding the ever long-awaited UEFA Euro championship, everyone and every brand was showing support for their national team on social media. Tired of seeing the same predictable posts over and over again, Proximus commissioned us with a very specific task: come up with an innovative idea to engage people both on- and offline. With the Red Devils in mind, our team imagined a result-driven solution that would drive audience interaction online. The idea? We organised an offline activation in which people could get the same haircut as one out of four national football team players: Carrasco, Hazard, Ciman or Naingollan. The catch? They couldn’t choose which haircut they would get themselves. This was decided by people at home watching a Facebook livestream of the activation.

How it worked

The viewers voted through the use of the different Facebook reactions. Different reactions corresponded with different haircuts. This all happened in real time, meaning that the people at home immediately saw the result of their votes: the participants of the activation were placed in a barber’s chair during the livestream and received the voted on haircut right there and then. Fun, right? But let’s stop explaining, you can watch the case movie below.

Why it worked

The immediacy of this concept easily generated a lot of engagement from watchers who would urge others in the comments to vote for their favorite haircut. As much as 50% of people stopped scrolling through their newsfeed to have a look, and 1.008 people voted in total.

Social media is not a  media.
The key is to listen, engage,
and build  relationships.

David Alston

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