Social reporting
on Snapchat

Digital Production | Social Media Marketing

According to a recent survey, Belgium has over 1 million Snapchat users, and 60% of Belgians aged 16 to 24 are using the platform, making Belgium the country with the greatest percentage of young snapchatters. What better platform then to engage with millennials?

How to

Snapchat is a platform that doesn’t allow ads (yet), meaning that it’s a channel one would qualify as ‘earned media’ (as opposed to paid or owned media), and its reach can only be organic. To achieve good organic reach on Snapchat, you need fun content to motivate people to keep opening the snaps and follow the entire story. That is why we sent out a young, bilingual team to make it happen on the field!

On-field engagement for online results

At the different festivals, people started following the Proximus Snapchat account just because our team was attracting the crowds by organizing challenges. They wore T-shirts displaying the snapcode, which made it easy for people to find the Proximus account on the app. Our team snapped atmosphere and ambiance shots, but also organized challenges to engage with festival-goers. Motivated by goodies, aka the Proximus festivals caps, people had to compete in challenges such as: “spin and run”, throw-and-score shots, “do the air guitar”, “wheelbarrow team races”, “show us your dance moves”, and so on. You can check some of them out here under! Fun times for the challengers, for our team, and for the audience on- and offline, which led to record-breaking numbers of views of the Proximus Snapchat stories!

Marketing is no longer
about the stuff you
But about the
story you tell.

Seth Godin

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