Redefining the visual identity

Digital Production | Social Media Marketing
Identifying the problem

Defining or re-defining a brand’s social identity always starts with taking a hard look at the story the brand is trying to tell: What exactly is it about? Who is it targeted at? Before we took hold of GINI’s Facebook account, the brand’s storytelling had lost its focus. Furthermore, the brand’s visual identity was in jeopardy. It was the exact opposite of what GINI stands for. After talking to brand manager Steven Maes, we knew what we needed to do: transform this ugly duckling into a real looker!

Back to the roots

We created a mood board, searching for suitable stock images that would fit the message behind the brand. We added a tailor-made GINI green filter to set the brand apart from similar pictures on people’s timelines and to create instant brand recognition. Next up was the tone of voice: we fully embraced GINI’s new tagline “Feel hot, stay cool” and set out to make every post identifiable and relevant to our fans. To avoid repetition while maintaining a steady flow of social posts, we developed a well thought out ‘always-on’ strategy based on fitting top topicals.

Mission accomplished!

Based on the response to our posts we have gotten from the community so far, it seems that we have succeeded. This new visual identity coupled with a tailor-made tone of voice, now conveys a clearer message that really speaks to GINI’s community. In other words: we made GINI’s social media sexy again. Mission accomplished! Thanks to the resounding success of our social content, GINI also entrusted us with the development of their new website. Take a look at this gem:

People don’t buy
what you do,
they buy why
you do it.

Simon Sinek

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