Sharing Your
Festival Experience

Creative and content marketing | Digital Production

Proximus’ goal for the festival season was to create a highly impactful digital journey targeting millennials while positioning themselves as the enabler of closeness. And this through a relevant and coherent story online & on site to create awareness. Different platforms made this possible and made sure clients and non-clients came into contact with the brand. Starting with, an online platform/website where people could send a nice festival themed gif to their friend through Messenger, WhatsApp, Facebook, email or Twitter. At the same time, if they filled in a form, they entered the contest for festival tickets.

Of course, it didn’t stop there. Everyone at the festival was welcomed by an enormous Proximus booth (booth & strategy by Demonstr8). In this booth, they could record an awesome 360° video or a regular video with their friends while singing along with popular hits. After going wild during the recording, people immediately received a text and email with their unique URL in it, linking to their unique video.

We created the flow in this booth, from registration and recording to people receiving the actual result. Everything was going smoothly, the maximum capacity was ensured and no minute went by without a video being recorded. The only thing left to do? Share, share, share!

People surely did share their GIFs and videos, the results of this campaign were amazing. The give-a-gif competition had 10.882 participants, 3.094 of them were non-clients. That’s three times the amount they reached last year. They made 45.522 GIFs and 35.480 of them were shared on social media. The KPI of 10.000 unique participants was achieved and exceeded. The second KPI was for the booth: a video had to be recorded and processed every 6 minutes. So, one group had to go through the whole flow (from registration to results via text and mail) in six minutes. In reality, this happened each two minutes, that’s three times faster than expected!

Build something 100 people
love, not something
1 million people  kind of like.

Brian Chesky

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