your parties
Moët & Chandon

Creative and content marketing | Data and Automation | Digital Production | Social Media Marketing

To make sure our reach was as high as possible, we used the “See, think, do”-model. We started by doing an awareness video on Facebook and an Instagram story ad to make people aware of the campaign. The audience that interacted with the video and/or story were redirected to a landing page, where they could create their own personalised bottle.

We also sent out an automated newsletter to our database, containing a personalised champagne bottle with the name of the recipient on it. They could order that bottle on the website if they wanted to. The FR newsletter did better than the NL, with an opening rate of 58.62% versus 50.54%. 35.29% of the FR recipients clicked on the link in the newsletter, 17% was Dutch. We also retargeted the people who were redirected to the landing page.

Moët & Chandon were very satisfied with this campaign, almost as satisfied as the people of Pivott. Although we couldn’t stop thinking of champagne while working on it, it sure was a very fun opportunity to showcase the way we personalize and automate the campaigns we deliver. CRM is something that Pivott holds in the highest regard.

Content marketing is like
a first date. If you only talk
about yourself, there won’t be
a second one.

David Beebe

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