game app

Digital Production | Social Media Marketing
Qualifio to the rescue

Maintaining a long-term relationship with your fans on social media is challenging. Next to that, attracting and retaining new potential customers is a never-ending quest. Fortunately both are rather easily achieved by developing a simple, but addictive social game app using the Qualifio platform. The app got people to play a game and give out their email address in the process by enticing them with a small prize.

The main advantage of creating a memory game is the number of leads it can generate. People are likely to participate given the prize, the simplicity of the game and the fact that it’s not time-consuming. Thanks to the database built through such a simple game, the opportunity arises to turn existing followers and fans into loyal customers while at the same time attracting new followers. Furthermore, giving away a voucher to all participants as a ‘thank you’ is a smart idea, sending people directly to the shops.

More than a single advantage

With a wave of 5 Facebook campaigns, Casa reached a total of 1.3 million potential customers in its target audience in five countries (France, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Belgium), generating 15,723 new leads for a cost of just €0,29/lead. In conclusion, this solution not only generated new leads through mailing list building, it also led to community engagement and expansion.

Creativity is
having fun.

Albert Einstein

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