Keywords optimisations leading
to 2x more traffic for EDPO

Performance Marketing
Keyword analysis for organic results

The Google search algorythm provides anyone searching on Google with the most relevant content and advertising in the moment by using matching keywords (Source: ). For EDPO, using tools such as Google Analytics, SEMrush and Google Keyword planner, we drew up an extensive list of keywords on which EDPO could and should be found on Google. We then examined them and selected the most relevant ones to their business. With this information in mind, EDPO’s website content was adapted. For example, new blog articles were written using the correct words and phrases matching the ones people are searching for.

Keyword analysis for paid results

Next to optimizing organic search results, an advertiser can also use paid ads to have its website pages appear on top of Google’s Search results. Based on the keyword analysis we did for EDPO, we were able to create relevant campaigns with ads using the perfectly relevant vocabulary. By applying these valuable insights, we tripled the number of clicks compared to previous ads, with half the budget. On top of that, we ensured that no money got lost on showing their ads to customers looking for a different service than that of EDPO, by checking and adding “negative keywords”. Contrary to normal keywords, these are the ones you don’t want to be found on.

Small changes for big results

By making these simple adjustments, EDPO was able to rank higher in Google search results for many keywords on which they were never found before. The estimated traffic on their website almost doubled and they got the highest visibility of all their close competitors. So small, but effective changes caused some big and promising results!

Do you also want to gain useful insights into your own business by applying keyword analysis? Pivott would be more than happy to offer professional performance marketing support!

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“Our campaigns and the way the film studios work demand a high degree of flexibility and creative input from our agencies.

As a result, Pivott has been helping us make a difference with every film release for years.”


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