Increase the net sales
growth by 13%
for Connections

Digital Production | Social Media Marketing
Consumers have pivotted

The opportunity for a small player like Connections is that consumers have pivotted. Traveling has become a commodity. Nowadays, whenever they want to travel, most consumers compare prices online and if relevant, instantly book the offer. Regardless of the time of the year. This meant an opportunity to innovate, creating the concept of the “Early Winter and Spring Sale” offering amazing promos on travel packages tailored to specific consumer needs when they need it.

Shifting to 100% online

Pivott set up an “ambush strategy” for the “Early Winter and Spring Sale”, and communicated fully digital when major competitors are silent, between mid August to the beginning of October 2018. On top, we adopted a full funnel ‘phygital’ execution: starting with awareness driven formats like canvas ads, inspirational videos, story ads, reach & frequency campaigns & YouTube pre-rolls to build audiences. Followed by consideration formats to drive people to the website (PPA, blog posts, Instagram story ads and banners) to more conversion driven geolocated and retargeting ads leading people to visit the physical stores. To promote the campaign, a “Top 100 – Ultimate Travel List 2018” was created where your personalised experience could be won. One lucky bird out of the 10.000 participants won his very own ‘Breakfast in Machu Picchu’.


This innovative digital strategy paid off. The combination of executions focussed on traffic, engagement and reach resulted in 2,155,226 people reached within 2 months, with a high engagement rate of on average 5,9%. With 67% less budget used for marketing investments, Pivott succeeded to increase the net sales growth with 13%.

Social media is not a  media.
The key is to listen, engage,
and build  relationships.

David Alston

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