200.000 reach
with creative & personalised GIFs:
a fun campaign for Sony

Creative and content marketing | Digital Production | Social Media Marketing
Do you dare to enter the Addams Family’s entrance gate?

One thing is sure: this family doesn’t like surprises, but… guess what: they have one for you! To engage (potential) viewers of the movie with our content, we invited them to react on our social post with their last name. Instead of putting this name on their black list, a personalised ‘Addams Gate’ was created for each and every replier.

What’s new about it?

We created multiple automatic replies for other clients in the past, but none of them in the form of a personalised GIF. Lightning bolts striking in made the images come to life.

The first test we did with this kind of format was a huge success, when we let the numbers speak. This post only had a unique reach of almost 200.000 people, with (NL and FR combined) 3311 likes, 215 shares and most importantly 6892 reactions.

We Pivotters are crazy about challenges (and results) like these. Curious about the future of ‘Sony’ and their releasing movies on social? Stay tuned, ‘cause this is just the beginning!

Social media is not a  media.
The key is to listen, engage,
and build  relationships.

David Alston

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