Communication in
a crisis time

Data and Automation | Digital Production | Performance Marketing

BECI, the Chamber of commerce and industry in Brussels, accounts for two thirds of employment in Brussels and more than 35,000 companies. Their role during this crisis was to help their members, answer their questions, find out solutions and help them survive this unprecedented situation. The first step was to know how their members were impacted. We therefore set up a survey to estimate the overall situation of the companies in Brussels. The results were indisputable: 41.3% of the participants estimated a drop in turnover between 1% and 75%, while 45.7% estimated a drop of more than 75%. Thanks to this survey, we were able to better target their needs and fears.

With those insights, we could optimize the website so that BECI’s members could find relevant content in one click. Home page, visuals, titles, page layout, categories, “”à la une”” updates ; we went through (almost) everything to make it more user-friendly. We also wrote and/or translated articles to answer all the questions of the different companies. Always willing to communicate, we developed a complete content plan for BECI and Sprout to be Brussels and we managed their posts on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.


Finally, BECI wanted to give practical advices to their members. With this in mind, we created video interviews with the help of various professionals and CEOs to answer questions such as: how to manage the crisis? Or how to adapt? You can also find the videos back on their YouTube channel. We also explained and undertook the implementation of an e-shop for companies that needed it. You can check our article about it here


The key to success in this case was a close contact with our client and clear & fast communication. Mutual trust was what made it efficient. Times likes these ask for flexibility and speed, which thanks to all of the elements combined we were able to provide during this heavy period of time.

Social media is not a  media.
The key is to listen, engage,
and build  relationships.

David Alston

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