23.497 participants
for our campaign with Mutan and Studio Brussels
Mutant - Studio Brussel

Digital Production | Dynamic Creative Optimisation
Radio contest: De Nieuwe Lichting

Discovering new talents and introducing them to the public is part of the raison d’être and therefore core business of Studio Brussel. Thus, the radio channel set up “De Nieuwe Lichting”. A participatory contest, where a jury chooses nine finalists and then the listeners determine the three winners. They judge on radio singles and not on live performances and there were no restrictions in terms of genres. This contest underlines their commitment as a music channel. Over the years they emphasize more and more the legacy of their winners.

A singing partnership

Mutant, the creative agency providing the conceptual angle for this campaign called upon our expertise to map out the ideal targeting & messaging strategy to reach the main goal: get more votes in than the previous year. While Mutant was responsible for the creation of the concept, all visuals, videos and copy, we did our thing and took the communication plan into our hands, making all those assets shine online!

We came up with a two-part strategy based on the catchy creative concept made by Mutant. We decided to create two different kinds of messages and thus visual assets linked to two different audiences. The first one was very broad: mixing all artists together and bringing a general message. The second one was a niche audience, based on the artist and his or her genre with a call-to-action directly linked with the singer. The demographics were towards a younger group which engaged better with the content: 15-38. The campaign ran for one week on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and via the media partners.

The results

The results were more than satisfying! The goal was to get more views & votes than for the previous campaign. In 2019, there were 20.335 participants against 23.497 in 2020!

What our clients say

“Our campaigns and the way the film studios work demand a high degree of flexibility and creative input from our agencies.

As a result, Pivott has been helping us make a difference with every film release for years.”


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