75% new visitors
with a new, modern Mylène

Creative and content marketing | Digital Production | Performance Marketing | Social Media Marketing
Let the numbers speak

In collaboration with Bake/shift & Ipsos, research showed that 40% of the Belgian women were informed about Mylene’s webshop, but 60% of them were existing brand users. In order to target these women correctly and boost e-sales, they were divided into different categories/personas. With this future-proof approach in mind, a rebranding and repositioning strategy was proposed and executed.


Next to the optimisation of the user experiences, the rebranding campaign took off with awareness as its main goal: Mylène is still alive and kicking and happy to invite you to its webshop! The next phases followed our trusted see-think-do-care model, meaning: the strategy was translated into a creative campaign, leading us towards the message: “Ja, je straalt”. This because the main brand value stands for beauty, inside & outside.

of the users were new visitors of the webshop

The increased brand awareness led (new) audiences towards the webshop: where before the “Ja, Je straalt!” campaign 75% of the users were returning visitors, the results after the campaign switched this number around: 75% of the users were new visitors of the webshop, in combination with an increase of the total amount of visitors. Not only did the audiences change, the rebranding campaign resulted in a modern, vivid and sophisiticated brand perception.


For Mylène, Pivott has been the key operator of the digital communication turnaround, reasurring the brand of its online future. If you want to know more about our services, please check our ‘cases’ page or get in touch: we’d love to hear from you!

People don’t buy
what you do,
they buy why
you do it.

Simon Sinek

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