Pivott reaches more than 4M Belgian with its Trolls social tour for Sony Pictures

Social Media Marketing
A cross channel campaign

Trolls World Tour had initially to be released on the 25th of March 2020 but it was then rescheduled for October 2020.
One of the favorite quotes of our CEO is: “”in every situation, there’s an opportunity!”” This delay, gave us some time to review the strategic plan and see if we could improve our social campaign. We could and we did!

We launched a cross media campaign including Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat. Nothing really special? Maybe not, but it worked crazy well: we reached in total almost 4M people! Furthermore, the TikTok and Snapchat results were far above expectations. On TikTok only we reached 1M people for a CPM of 0.40€ & a CPC of 0.06€, and we didn’t even spend all of our foreseen budget, can you believe it?!


We were also thrilled with the Snapchat results, but the most mindblowing statistics concerned our Snapchat lens.
We reached more than 980K impressions & 319K users but, most important, that our average playtime was around 26,53 seconds! Which is huge! And guess what? The greatness doesn’t stop here… We also decided to create a snapcode that we put in different newspapers and in some movie theaters so that our audience could scan it and discover our lens. The number of users and impressions here was lower, which is totally logic but our average playtime was: 131,69 seconds! The engagement with the lens and, especially with the snapcode, was massive! We nailed it!


We can say that this was a successful campaign worth gold at every award contest! We now even more look forward to all the exciting movies coming up!

What our clients say

“Our campaigns and the way the film studios work demand a high degree of flexibility and creative input from our agencies.

As a result, Pivott has been helping us make a difference with every film release for years.”


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