made easy

Data and Automation | Digital Production | Social Media Marketing
Automation for the win!

The automation tool we created was essentially an all-round search engine. Instead of searching the internet, it searched a specific live XML feed that is following the stock and can create boards in a matter of seconds. How does it work? Well, if you type in the name of the product, the tool starts importing the file and then automatically shows every product that’s available in the webshop. It’s as simple as that.

Localization is key

CASA wanted to drive more organic traffic to the site with this tool. It’s safe to say we achieved that goal. Through linked pins we directed consumers to the website to choose the shop closest to them and to possibly buy the product. However, before the costumers could see their product, they were led to a jumping page. This jumping page is an important one, because normally it leads to one URL, but we managed to link all countries specific product URL’s into one gate. This gate leads to the same product for different countries. After doing so, the webshop was automatically translated into the costumers’ preferred language. Each country had their very own url as well. So as you can see, localization was key to drive more costumers to the webshop. That’s also something that makes it stand out amongst other Pinterest tools.


As Pivott is always looking for opportunities to automate inefficient processes, this was definitely a winner, a fun and successful experience. We learned even more about how organic growth and automation go hand in hand. We’re definitely looking forward to find out more about it.

Social media is not a  media.
The key is to listen, engage,
and build  relationships.

David Alston

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