Influencer marketing
the easy way

Digital Production | Social Media Marketing

In the quickly evolving world of social media, some people have acquired the status of influencers. Some local, national or international social media celebrities can rack up thousands – sometimes even millions – of followers on Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat. Brands have started to tap into influencer marketing more and more, but very few actually understand how it works. At Pivott we’ve been learning in the best possible way: by doing it as often and effective as possible.

A new kind of celebrities

In the era of social media, a brand is no longer what we tell the customer it is – it is what the customers tell each other it is. This shifting paradigm means brands must rethink their strategy when communicating towards (potential) customers. The number one trait of social media influencers is that they show their own personality and are being followed in their daily lives by people who like them precisely for being who they are and what they love to do: sports, beauty, fashion, and of course, food.

A big reward isn’t enough

Even if the compensation offered by a brand to an influencer can close the deal, their followers are nowadays aware of the existence of influencer marketing. This means that, despite offering something the brand considers worthy enough as a reward, the one question influencers will ask themselves is: should I associate myself and my image with this brand?

Social amplification is the goal

Luckily, who wouldn’t want to associate with a love brand like ice cream maker Magnum? There was no need for a big reward here: the invitation to an exclusive event like this opening was sufficient to attract several of them. They could eat as many Magnums as they wanted, bring a friend and spread the word on social media as they saw fit. No pressure, no guidelines. We wanted them to do what they do best: create content for their followers. Not only did Magnum get its fair share of #foodporn pictures on Instagram, the influencers also relayed this exciting news through Instagram Stories and Snapchat, and inspired others to check out the brand new Magnum Pleasure Bar for themselves!

People don’t buy
what you do,
they buy why
you do it.

Simon Sinek

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