
Digital Production | Social Media Marketing
Discover the untouched

Our first campaign, which launched in December 2017, was called ‘Connections Untouched’, referring to the untouched travel destinations. We promoted it with a lot of content on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube. Accordingly, a lot of anticipation was built up for the reveal of the travel destinations, which worked very well. It gave us the possibility to build an audience Connections didn’t have yet, an audience we could retarget afterwards.

As a pre-launch for our next campaign, we created a Top 100 game. The aim of the game was to see which travel experience best suited the needs of the audience. It was very personal because people could win a trip to the destination they put in first in their top 3. We had over 10.000 participants, so the game was a big success. Thanks to the ranking of the Top 100 game, we could start our next campaign in january: Book & Pay. The concept is that Connections offers great discounts and flash deals for tours and flight tickets. This year, Pivott took care of it. With a total of 27 posts we were able to reach 4.358.071 unique people and we got a total of 68.217 direct clicks.


We retargeted people who watched more than 3 seconds of our videos on Facebook and Instagram, showed interest in the top 100 game and everyone who visited the website in the last 180 days. Thanks to this retargeting, we could send our ads to relevant people who were interested in our content. For each of these custom audiences, we created lookalike audiences. By doing that, our ads were seen by even more relevant people who had a high potential to click through to the website or book a flight. It got us some very good results.


In the end, we reached and engaged a lot of people in 2 months. +60% filled in their payment info on the site, click through rate to the site increased with 80% and we reached a total of 8.305.365 people. The Connections Facebook page also got 1.692 likes thanks to our boosted Facebook ads. We are proud to say that the biggest campaign of the year for Connections was a success thanks to our Pivott strategy and our diversified content.

Marketing is no longer
about the stuff you
But about the
story you tell.

Seth Godin

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