1.000.000 reach
for ALDI & St. Nick
in Belgium + Luxembourg:
low budget, high results

Digital Production | Social Media Marketing
Naughty or nice?

Were you naughty or nice this year? Well, clearly Pivott was on the “nice”-list in 2020, because when dear old Saint Nicholas wanted to surprise every ALDI shopper with a tasty little gift, he called on us to make sure they got it. And through the power of Facebook offer ads, we didn’t even have to slide down any chimneys to do it. A free pack of delicious caramelised biscuits, or “Speculoos”, that can be picked up at your nearest ALDI store? Now that’s an offer (ad) you simply can’t refuse!

What offer ads have to offer:

Facebook offer ads are a new and fresh way to tackle classic couponing. Instead of distributing printed coupons through a folder or in-store, you can share them digitally and directly with the right target audience. One click on the CTA-button later, and they’ve grabbed your offer. Easy peasy! The format also gives the option to save and recall the promotion later. If saved, they get a helpful reminder notification and an e-mail detailing the offer.

To keep us off the “naughty”-list next year and distribute the yummy packets of Speculoos, we decided to generate the traffic of our offer ad to an in-store offer. This meant that when interested Facebook users clicked “Get this offer”, they received a barcode. During their next trip to their favourite ALDI in Belgium or Luxembourg, the cashier could then easily scan this code and a free packet of Speculoos landed right in their shopping cart. No chimneys required.

See you next year, St. Nick!

So what was the outcome? Did we spread enough holiday cheer to ensure our spot on St. Nick’s team of helpers next year and did our offer ads pay off? They sure did! We boosted our promotion towards in-store traffic for one week, setting our goal on CPM. We estimated this to be around €4, but ended up with an average CPM of €1.39, resulting in a reach of over 1M (Belgium & Luxembourg combined) and a cost per save of €1.17. Taking into account that the set up of this format is also very budget friendly, these are definitely nice results in terms of return on ad spend. Indeed, a very happy Saint Nicholas was spotted leaving ALDI right before he traveled back to Spain.

A lot of potential

While offer ads might still be quite new to consumers, there’s definitely a lot of potential in them to create in-store discounting. And even more, the cost of creating discounts this way is much lower than with offline couponing. The more interesting your incentive and the more you build an experience around it, the greater the effect on your results. Already looking forward to see what we’ll do with offer ads next? So do we. So stay tuned and get ready to “Get this offer”!

Creativity is
having fun.

Albert Einstein

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