Test drives skyrocketed for Lexus with 10.000 personalised videos messages

Data and Automation | Dynamic Creative Optimisation

As part of the official international launch of the new UX 250h, Lexus was looking for a personalised experience to exclusively share the first images of this promising new model to their current database. Knowing that Lexus is an automotive company that takes inspired design, relentless innovation and uninhibited performance and turns them into passionate, moving experiences. But, that’s only part of their DNA. They are equally dedicated to offering exceptional customer experiences. And in doing so, creating loyalty throughout the world—not just with the people who buy our vehicles, but the people in the communities around us. And that being one of the main reasons why they wanted it to be personalised.


Even though they were looking for a personalised experience, we still needed to work with material that already existed as there was no budget foreseen for new shootings. So, we had to be creative with the content we received from the international communication team of Lexus. A nice looking launch video would become our biggest challenge in converting it into a frame by frame mapped personalised video linked to their own CRM system and client database.


In 2018 personalised license plates were booming business, so we thought at Pivott that it would be a nice idea to personalise already the license plate of customer’s new Lexus UX. Building on that idea, we started to split the launch video into usable parts and mapping frame by frame the moment the license plate could be personalised on the video. The challenge was to be able to map any length of a name on the license plate, not easy if you don’t have a lot of space to integrate it.

Creating a dynamic video is one thing, but sending an email to a database of more than 10.000 customers with their own rendered video is rather complex. As it’s impossible to integrate a video into an email, we created a platform to dynamically render over more than 10.000 videos with the possibility to create a personalised video of their personalised license plate which could be shared on social media.

Try it by yourself http://www.new-lexus-ux.be/nl

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“Our campaigns and the way the film studios work demand a high degree of flexibility and creative input from our agencies.

As a result, Pivott has been helping us make a difference with every film release for years.”


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